Power Points for Hoy and Miskel (2013)
Educational Administration: Theory, Research, and Practice by Hoy and Miskel (2013) presents a comprehensive synthesis of theory, research, and practice of organizational behavior in schools. After each theoretical perspective is explicated, the chapter concludes with an authentic case study and a set of practical guides. Below you will find a power point for each chapter of the text.
Power Points
Chapter 1: The School as a Social System
Chapter 2: The Technical Core: Learning and Teaching
Chapter 3: Structure in Schools
Chapter 4: Individuals in Schools: Motivation
Chapter 5: Organizational Culture of Schools
Chapter 6: Organizational Climate of Schools
Chapter 7: Power and Politics In Schools
Chapter 8: External Environments and Accountability of Schools
Chapter 9: School Effectiveness
Chapter 11: Shared Decision Making: Empowering Teachers
Chapter 12: Communication in Schools